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Come out of her!

Humanity evolved fighting and killing one another?.

Our existence started with man’s creation than followed by woman’s out of a man making man with woman single entity.
Man’s mind set is to plan direction, woman is a repository of previous generation information, so when man wants to go forward she brings up the past knowledge for consideration . She forms a man into unique being, incidentally she only has that ability with her partner. Each person is allocated a life time to choose direction, after which time they would be judged.

Two beings different but forming one entity with a goal to populate the earth and evolve our mind to higher level with each generation. At a point of creation our minds were like our children’s minds with certain abilities but requiring guidance to mature.

Our creator created us in his image with our minds capable of infinite growth and development, able to see right from wrong, as well as have direct individual communication with our creator, our mind can only reach only him. 
Satan can communicate with us through our senses like eyes, ears, touch because we are unique, each will interpret the message differently. (Break away religions based on the same scriptures.)
Creator has put mighty army of supernatural beings to protect us under the command of Lucifer.

After a while Lucifer has decided that he can be a leader of man because he was so great (thus iniquity developed in him).
Our creator could not judge him there and than, he had to give him time to prove that his way was the good our creator is a judge, as judge had to give Lucifer time to prove his case
Now Lucifers time is coming to the end at the end of which he will admit his failure.

He unlike our creator a has finite thinking (tunnel Vision)being a warier and could not communicate with man , so he went about gathering us in controllable groups.(Christians, Jews, Islam, Hindu)
If group got to big he would start the war and get it to controllable level. You must understand that dead or alive, once  person died without choosing our creator is marked as his.

His primary goal was to keep people from evolving our infinitely capable minds, thus making himself superior to man, portraying him self as GOD saviour (Lucifer, Jesus).

Using his underlings(Devils) he divided earth to different regions manageable groups than setting obedience rules that must be followed groups  holy scriptures be it Hindu, Catholic, Islam. ETC. Did you ever wonder why it is only your religion that has gates to heaven? Today Jews, Islam, Christianity etc. all claim to be god’s people.

Lucifers commands(holy scriptures) scriptures had given him ability to ,
•    stop mind development by deleting our minds inquisitive ability, downgrading woman to breeders, house keepers, stopping us from asking WHY?
•    making us submissive by their holy rules under the penalty of excommunication, complete segregation or even death. Submitting yourself by, asking for forgiveness, when our creator gave us lifetime to choose just like our children we grow with time. 
•    Our creator is always communicating with us and telling us to go, (for example) to the left, but scriptures tells us go right under penalty, if we disobey, in most cases we choose scriptures thus making them our GOD.
•    Each group through their scriptures are told you are God’s people, all others are infidels and should be eliminated, thus freezing their ability to choose our creator.


Lucifers plan is to bring all people under his domain through rules, but has failed. 
We just have to look around how many of our friends do not believe in religion.
Lucifers time is short, he has to stop people from turning to our creator by wars pestilences killing us any way he can thus proving to creator that he was right.


His goal is to freeze man’s choice through religion war and death, before he turns to our creator.   
Our creator only accepts those that want to be with him, all others belong to Lucifer.


Our father is calling us out to Come out of her(religions) you do not have to do anything to change, ask him and he will guide you, just like we guide our children one day they are bad, than they see and change because they want to and not by force, so while we live we have to power to change, while we live.


Our creator is our judge, like judge’s in our world, he will not interfere in our decisions we must want to be with him, so if you expect him to come and save you  be aware he only adjudicates not forces his will on you.
In our life with our partner, love is earned over time through trust it grows and so does your faith in that person, so it is with our creator, the more we are with him the stronger our bond.
This message is to all God’s children. 
The end of time is upon us, you have been deceived, so come out of religion and return to our father, ask him to revel himself, be a real God to you and guide you. 

With time you will ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
He will guide you not by force but reason,  like as parents we guide our children. All our lives we have been told believe in God, we never see him we just take some body’s word for it.  If you ask him he will reveal himself to you to become your real God and  guide you. 


This message must reach all God’s children, so that they can have a choice,  
For our  Creator or Lucifer.

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